Economic impact problem has become the core issue with economic policy theory and economic academic cycle. 经济冲击问题已经成为经济政策理论和经济周期理论的核心问题。
The projected economic impact of this fiscal cliff is a direct fiscal contraction of some 4% of GDP. 财政悬崖预计将直接造成财政收缩,达到GDP的4%左右。
There are reasons for discouraging change when adverse economic impact far outweighs the advantages of change. 这就是当不利的经济影响远远超过有利的变化的时候,阻碍变革的原因。
As part of the process to gain formal approval, the company commissioned a big economic impact study. 作为获得正式批准过程的一部分,公司委托了一份重大经济影响研究。
She says her organization, albeit a non-profit, has an economic impact that should be acknowledged. 她表示,她领导的绿色带非盈利组织已经对经济产生了影响,值得肯定。
That is because the economic impact of oil price rises is historically discontinuous. 这是因为,油价上涨对经济的影响从历史上看从来都不是连贯的。
The economic impact, however, will be limited. 然而,泡沫破裂对经济的影响将是有限的。
The economic impact also depends on response strategies adopted by farmers and possible market adjustments. 经济影响还取决于农民采取的对策以及可能的市场调整。
However, the actual economic impact of the restrictions is still unclear. 然而,限制措施对经济的实际影响尚不明晰。
Aside from the geostrategic and climate change impact of shale, there is a considerable economic impact. 除地缘战略和气候变化的影响之外,页岩气还会带来显著的经济影响。
The extent of the economic impact of the disaster is still not known. 这次灾害对经济造成的影响程度目前还无从得知。
Was economic impact a factor in your recommendation? 你们的建议考虑了经济影响吗?
Office of Economic Impact and Diversity 经济影响和差异办公厅
As the OECD notes, the economic impact of convergence is broader than just this. 正如经合组织所指出的那样,趋同的经济影响比这更加广泛。
Fourth, the national holiday would be economically productive activities stagnation, the economic impact of the ongoing development. 第四,全国性的长假会使经济生产活动停滞,影响经济的不间断发展。
Hopefully, other targeted proposals will be developed with especially strong economic impact or hardship relief. 美国政府还有望出台其它能够产生格外强大的经济影响或减轻困苦的有针对性提案。
He says the economic impact will be severe. 他说,经济影响将会是很严重的。
The stimulus was also not well co-ordinated, which limits its economic impact. 该刺激方案还缺乏良好协调,因此限制了其经济影响力。
His story speaks to the enormous personal and economic impact that his disability has had on him and his extended family. 他的故事诉说了伤残对他和他的大家庭所产生的巨大个人和经济影响。
The Economic Impact of RMB Internationalization 人民币国际化进程对我国经济的影响
Diabetes and its complications have a significant economic impact on individuals, families, health systems and countries. 糖尿病及其并发症给个人、家庭、卫生保健系统和国家带来巨大的经济后果。
Two World Bank reports address the economic impact of aging populations worldwide and offer direction on policy reforms. 世界银行的两个报告探讨了全世界范围内人口老龄化对经济的影响,并提出了政策改革的方向。
The pattern in which cities develop will also affect the economic impact of urbanisation. 城市发展模式还会影响城镇化的经济效果。
Macro economic fluctuation is also leading to a regional imbalance fluctuations, and regional imbalance and not the volatility of the macro economic impact source. 宏观经济波动也导致了区域不平衡的波动,而区域不平衡并不是宏观经济波动的冲击源。
Furthermore, additional aid to States will not have a serious economic impact. 此外,增加对州政府的资助,也不会对经济产生重要影响。
So far the economic impact of the policy shift has been limited. 迄今为止,这一政策转变的经济影响仍较为有限。
Added to the considerable human suffering is the economic impact of these infections. 这些感染的经济影响加重了相当严重的人类痛苦。
Short-term, the economic impact may be slightly negative. 短期而言,奥运会可能对经济产生轻微负面的影响。
Crean downplayed the potential economic impact of the case. 克林淡化了潜在的经济影响的案件。
New technology takes time to have a big economic impact. 新技术需要时间才能产生重大经济影响。